Couch Tripping is a group dedicated to providing its readers with meaningful and helpful content, all from the comfort of their couch.
We aim to navigate the world and its wonders, documenting each step of the way so that others may follow and glean insight to forge their own paths.
Our founder and lead content writer, Charles Rarey, envisioned Couch Tripping in 2024 with an express interest in teaching and journaling about a variety of topics he was (and still is!) passionate about.
Charles had been writing in a professional setting for around 6+ years at the time of Couch Tripping’s creation, but his love of writing extended further into his personal life in the form of short stories and songwriting. He endeavored to create a space where he could reach more people and aid in enriching their lives through shared knowledge, and Couch Tripping was formed soon after.
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Products are reviewed fairly and objectively based on customer satisfaction, price, competition, features, and a number of other factors as well. Any ratings that may appear are based on the opinion of and its staff in good faith to provide the best product options for the described needs/scenario.