Amazon Associates Status, New Categories, and More

We’ve got some exciting changes to announce. Find out more about our new Amazon Associates status, updated content categories, and more.

  • Products and services that appear on may be from companies from which we receive compensation. Affiliated links allow us to earn revenue as an Amazon Associate. All available product choices may not be included, and we carefully consider the terms/rules of how products may be displayed or advertised at all times.

    Products are reviewed fairly and objectively based on customer satisfaction, price, competition, features, and a number of other factors as well. Any ratings that may appear are based on the opinion of and its staff in good faith to provide the best product options for the described needs/scenario.

Couch Tripping Logo of Colorful Couch Oil Painting

Hey there Couch Trippers! Charles here with another update on how things have been going after our first couple days of being live.

I’d like to extend an immense thank you to those of you that checked us out during our first days post-launch! We know that your time is valuable, and it means the world that you chose to spend some of that precious time on checking out our new site.

Couch Trippers still has a long ways to go, but the launch of this endeavor has far exceeded any initial expectations that we may have had. Since the site’s go-live date (around three to four days ago), almost 300 visits have been recorded via SquareSpace’s built-in Analytics tool!

SquareSpace Analytics Graph from First Days of Website Online

I’m still pretty new to how website analytics are calculated and determined, but I hope to provide more content in the coming months about some of the statistics seen in the graph above. Our goal at Couch Trippers is to educate and enrich the lives of our readers, so if you have any interest in learning more about any of these topics, please make sure to check back in soon!

The drop-off in visitors after the first two days makes sense, as we are still growing and building upon the early foundations of the site. We have only recently been added to Google’s Search Indexing as well, and I have still have a lot to learn about best SEO practices.

And speaking of growing and building, I am pleased to announce the launch of a couple of our beginning categories at Couch Tripping: Business & Finance and Entertainment.

Previously, the landing spaces for these categories only displayed the message of “Come back soon!” and a list of our most recent articles in the Lifestyle category. Now, you can find new and relevant articles within each of these topics.

In our Entertainment section, you can currently find a product guide of our top picks for a Digital Picture Frame in 2024. See our Overall Pick from the article below.

In our Business & Finance section, you can now find a helpful tutorial on joining the Amazon Associates program, which enables you to generate commission-based revenue whenever someone clicks on one of your affiliated links.

Not by coincidence, we are also pleased to announce that Couch Tripping has officially applied for the Amazon Associates program! You may have noticed the new “Advertiser Disclosure” at the beginning of this article, which lets our readers know about our affiliation status in the event that they purchase something from one of our product links across the site.

We are committed to remaining fully transparent and providing the best possible experience for our readers. Partnerships such as this ensure the long-lasting potential of our site and help cover our operating costs. Our newfound Amazon Associates status will not compromise our ability to provide you with honest interpretations and advice, and we thank you for your continued support!


That about wraps it up for this update! Thank you again for your time and interest in Couch Tripping, and we hope to see you again soon!

Charles Rarey

Charles is the founder of and is an accomplished writer with over 6+ years of professional experience. He enjoys teaching people about new topics, cooking, traveling, finances, and more.


Indiana Dunes and Chicago (Days 1-2)


Amazon Affiliate: How to Become an Amazon Associate